Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Worldwide demand for flame retardant additives is forecast to rise 5.4 percent yearly to 2.6 million metric tons in 2016

Global demand to rise 5.4% per annum through 2016
Worldwide demand for Flame Retardant additives is forecast to rise 5.4 percent yearly to 2.6 million metric tons in 2016. Advances will represent an acceleration over the 2006-2011 period, in which demand was severely impacted by the effects of a global economic slowdown, especially in the mature markets of the US, Western Europe, and Japan. In addition to an improved economic outlook, flame retardant demand through 2016 will benefit from trends toward improved fire safety and flammability standards -- particularly in the developing world -- and the rising use of plastic products over less flammable materials.

To Know More : World Flame Retardants to 2016

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